Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam Menurut Muhammad Abduh


  • Muh. Yahya Al-Farizi Yaya UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Makbul M UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Risdah Faharuddin SDIT 2 Daarussalaam Sangatta


Muh. Abduh, Thinking, Islamic education


Mohammed Abduh, one of the reformers whose name is known in the history of education and his educational reforms have had a great impact in the Islamic world. Muhammad Abduh not only spawned brilliant ideas in the sphere of education, but is usually known as a religious reformer who invites Muslims to return to the Qur'an and As-Sunnah, and together with Jamaluddin al-, the reformer of the movement. Publishing the article al'Urwatul Wutsqa in Paris, the Afghani newspaper breathed the spirit of nationalism into Egyptian society and the Islamic world in general. Obstacles and obstacles did not prevent him from carrying out a renewal of thought within the scope of Islamic education in a suitable place, and this article will describe Muhammad Abduh's life journey from an ordinary human being in the field of education to being awarded the title of Mufti in Egypt. with all the difficulties he found and achieved, with the success he achieved. The method used is literature study which is an activity that cannot be separated from a research. Where the theories that underlie the problem and the field to be researched can be found by conducting a literature study. Researchers obtain information about similar studies or those related to their research as well as previous studies. By doing a literature study, researchers can take advantage of all the information and thoughts that are relevant to this research. The results of the research related to Islamic Education Thought according to Muhammad Abduh focused on educational reform including educational goals for personality formation, religious morality, which were expected to develop political attitudes, social attitudes, the spirit of mutual cooperation and the spirit of the economy. In addition, in religious schools modern knowledge must be taught using teaching methods that allow students not only to remember but also to understand what is being taught, and of course learning takes place using easy-to-understand language and basic management. can employ well-paid and valuable teachers. Later, specific changes were found for Al-Azhar, with regulations extending working hours and shortening vacation time.


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How to Cite

Yaya, M. Y. A.-F., M, M., & Faharuddin, R. (2021). Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam Menurut Muhammad Abduh. Bacaka: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 1(1), 39–52. Retrieved from


